Equipment for catalyst preparation
- Ultrasound baths
- Autoclaves
- Furnaces with controlled atmosphere
- Rotavapors
- Tablet press

Equipment for catalyst testing
- Three (3) units of flow type equipped with quartz reactors (fixed and fluid bed),
MFCs for gas and HP-pump for liquid feedstocks admission, furnace, and online GC - Two (2) units of batch autoclaves with temperature controller units

Equipment for catalyst characterization
- Fast response unit for TPR, TPO, TPD measurements, SSITKA measurements with online MS analyzer
- DRIFTS cell for in situ IR measurements of catalysts, under reaction conditions
- FTIR spectrometer
- Thermogravimetric analyzer

Access to Analytical instruments for catalyst characterization
- X-Ray Diffractometer
- Scanning Electron Microscope
- Transmission Electron Microscope
- Coupled Plasma Atomic Adsorption Spectrometer
- UV-Vis Spectrometer with Camera for Diffuse Reflection Spectroscopy
- Unit for physical adsorption isotherm measurements
- Gas analyzers

Equipment for liquid fuels testing
- Bomb calorimeter
- Flash point (closed cup) tester
- Distillation units (ASTM D-86) for light and middle distillates
- Pour and cloud point tester
- Densitometers
- Distillation unit (ASTM D-1160) for heavy distillates